Moyamoya Related Topics >> Surgeons with Bypass Experience >> Dr. Steinberg question

Message started by lannitto on May 10th, 2008 at 8:33am

Title: Dr. Steinberg question
Post by lannitto on May 10th, 2008 at 8:33am
Has anyone sent their files and information to Dr. Steinberg and NOT been diagnosed with Moyamoya?

Title: Re: Dr. Steinberg question
Post by Mar on May 10th, 2008 at 11:16am
I certainly can’t answer your question directly, but I can say Dr. Steinberg is one of only two moyamoya experts in the country, with Stanford being one of the largest moyamoya referral centers in the world. So as far as the people here on this website are concerned, they most likely would send their films to him because they have already been diagnosed with MM or suspect a diagnosis of MMD and are seeking his expert opinion. Many patients with MM symptoms and their family members see the lack of knowledge and experience with this rare disease in the medical community, and seek a second opinion from Dr. Steinberg because of his expertise and his high rate of success in treating moyamoya.



Title: Re: Dr. Steinberg question
Post by lannitto on May 10th, 2008 at 4:43pm
Hi Mar

Thanks for your input.  I guess what I'm try to say is that if my husbands angiogram results says: The intracranial narrowings seen have a moyamoya like appearance.  Are there any other brain vessel diseases that this could be other than moyamoya?  

Title: Re: Dr. Steinberg question
Post by Mar on May 10th, 2008 at 9:56pm
The best way to put it, IMO is, if you have a MM appearance (puff of smoke) on an angio, it’s MMD. It’s that simple. See when you have MMD, you have narrowing of the arteries at the base of the brain and so you don’t get the proper blood the brain so desperately needs, so the brain tries to revascularize itself. It grows it’s own vessels to try and get the proper blood and nutrients it needs, and those tiny MM vessels that grew are the MM vessels that look like a “puff of smoke” on the angiogram. That's moyamoya, no if's and's or but's.

The sad thing is, many doctors do not have the experience with this disease yet and often steer the patient in the wrong direction. For example, they may say, well you have the collateral vessels (MM vessels) that are helping you with the blood flow to the brain, so they assume it’s ok to wait for treatment, but although they are helping you get blood to the brain, they are ABNORMAL, fragile vessels that can rupture or bleed. That is why every MM patient is at risk for a stroke with this disease. There lies the danger. My niece had four devastating strokes at 20 years old because the doctors here were so inexperienced with the proper approach to take in her case. This is a progressive disease; it gets worse over time, so prompt treatment is vital.

If you get a MM diagnosis BEFORE a stroke, you’re one of the lucky ones. Many are diagnosed after a stroke. This is a successfully treatable disease, IF the proper approach is taken.

If your hubby is diagnosed with this disease, please know you’re not alone and you have many wonderful people here who will help you in any way they can. Feel free to ask any questions.


Title: Re: Dr. Steinberg question
Post by rmbielawa on May 13th, 2008 at 12:34pm
Hi! My son, Kyle was diagnosed two years ago here in Wisconsin. The diagnoses "there seems to be evidence of moyamoya disease".  They wanted me to wait two months, bring Kyle back for another MRI/MRA and 'see' if anything changed.  Like HELL!  I sent his scans overnight to Dr. Steinberg (because of this website) and he asked if we could be on a plane the next morning!!! Two days later, he had his first surgery!  I'm telling you, Dr. Steinberg saved Kyle's life.  He has a few issues with dehydration (he's only 10 yrs old...and very energetic) and some speech pronunciations, but otherwise, he is healthy!  Please, send your husband's scans ASAP!  
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