Moyamoya Related Topics >> Patient Resources >> No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what

Message started by Darrin on Aug 1st, 2013 at 5:11pm

Title: No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what
Post by Darrin on Aug 1st, 2013 at 5:11pm
My stepdaughter has just been turned down for Medicaid. Her doctor said she needs surgery by the end of the year, sooner the better. She's 25 so I'm going to try to get her back on my insurance, but if that doesn't work I don't know what to do. I don't really know if I'm asking for advice or just getting this off my chest.

Title: Re: No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what
Post by OneStoneTwoBirds on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 3:29pm
Darrin, under the Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer coverage to children on their parents' plan to make the coverage available until the adult child reaches the age of 26. If your daughter is not currently on your insurance, you probably have to wait till your open enrollment period (if it is employer-based) and the "pre-existing condition" exclusion doesn't go away until January 1.  If you have individually-purchased insurance, the exception is grandfathered in so you would have to purchase new insurance through the exchanges that will be set up when open enrollment starts October 1. 

For more information go to healthcare -dot- gov.

Title: Re: No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what
Post by kellerzoo on Aug 9th, 2013 at 9:00pm
What state do you live in? We are in Texas and our story is a little different, but maybe it can help. My daughter is 22 and has Down syndrome, so she already had Medicaid. However, she has something called Amerigroup, which is a plan under Medicaid. We could not find a neurosurgeon with Moyamoya experience that took Amerigroup, only traditional Medicaid. I found out that my daughter did not qualify for traditional because it was only for those under the age of 21. I was stuck and felt completely hopeless thinking my daughter was never going to get the surgery. I was told to contact one of our state senators who was the chairman for health and human services. I contacted them yesterday and they went to work right away on my daughter's behalf. After weeks of me struggling to do it on my own, one day after calling our senator, I found out today that they were able to negotiate with the hospital and neurosurgeon and her surgery is scheduled for the 22nd. Again, I know it's not the same, but it might be a place to start. I wish you all the best!

Title: Re: No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what
Post by Darrin on Aug 21st, 2013 at 5:15pm
thanks for the replies. we were just able to get her on my insurance starting this friday.

Title: Re: No insurance, turned down for Medicaid now what
Post by Sumit Patellio on Sep 9th, 2013 at 2:17am
Travel Insurance is an essential part of any trip and is something that should not be put aside. Most soon-to-be travelers usually have heard about travel insurance, but might not know the specific reasons why they need travel insurance. This is an important article about frequently asked questions for travel insurance.
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