Welcome to the Moyamoya.com Live Chat!
If you have problems using the chat, read the FAQ!
If you are using AOL, you MUST check the "Safe mode" box below!

Scheduled Chat Times

Nightly (7 nights a week): 11pm Eastern time
for help converting this time to your time click here and
choose your location from the list on the left side of the page

Saturday & Sunday afternoons: 3pm Eastern time
for help converting this time to your time click here and
choose your location from the list on the left side of the page

Note: Chat is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Scheduled chat times listed above are set up just to give everyone a set time to "shoot for" so the chat room won't be empty when you stop by. If you would like more (or different) times scheduled, please let me know.

User Login
You may use this chat as a guest without reserving a username, however, it is HIGHLY recommended you create a permanent chat name. Using the same name you use on the message board will let everyone know exactly who you are.

You can register a chat name by clicking here!
Password: (members only)
  Safe mode
  Save username and password
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10 user(s) online
GTChat 0.93 © 2001 by Wladimir Palant

DISCLAIMER: All information contained on this web site is for informational purposes only.  It is in no way intended to be used as a replacement for professional medical treatment.   moyamoya.com makes no claims as to the scientific/clinical validity of the information on this site OR to that of the information linked to from this site.  All information taken from the internet should be discussed with a medical professional!