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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 5
Glen Allen, USA, usa, 478, 160, VA, Virginia
hello Shan, (did i get your name right?) My name is Karen Mottinger, and my 26 year old, Brantley Roberts, has had Moya Moya probably since birth, but he wasn't diagnosed until 3, and then it was another year until we even knew that surgery was a possibility. It was considered "experimental" then. He had 3 major strokes and more TIA's than I could even count, but it has been 20 years since then and he is fine as far as that goes. He has had many problems as a result of all the brain damage. He has uncontroled grand mal seizures, 1 or 2 a month, so we have to be careful that he doesn't fall. He walks, although with a limp, and has only partial use of his left arm. His speech is excellent, and his mind is like a five year old. I have 2 other children, both younger, and both wonderfully normal. Their father died in 1990, and I remarried; my husband is a wonderful father and very devoted to Brantley. Brantley is truly the joy of our lives. He has taught my children patience and how to think of others first. Because of him I have been able to see who God really is (you mentioned you were a Christian, I thought i was until Brantley, now I KNOW I AM, and my children too). Brantley really is a delight to all who know him. He is very social and loving, and hilarious at times too! I have posted some pictures on the website but I don't know if they are up yet. If not I will e-mail them to you. oh incidentally I live right ouside of Richmond Va. Where in N.C. are you? My husband is from Statesville and still has a lot of family around there. We go down that way quite often. I look forward to hearing from you. KAREN MOTTINGER