New details for the.....
MIDWEST MOYAMOYA "MEET UP" We have planned this for (June 26, 27, 28), based on replies from those interested. I am asking that anyone who wants to join us please send me an email with the following information:
Days you will join us, number of rooms you will need, number of children in your group, etc.
We must have this information for room planning. We are leaning towards utilizing the Carol Hotel in Omaha, Ne. Based on quotes received, available nearby attractions, etc. This looks like the best bet for us (They have a website for those interested). However, we need to have firm numbers regarding rooms before we can get a better price quote from them. Nessa, the ultimate event planner (seriously

), is putting together a sort of itinerary of what we have tentatively planned (nap breaks included LOL). Again this may be somewhat dependent on numbers, so please let me know. There is a minimum number of rooms that will have to be prepaid (I think) before they will give much of a discount. Thanks, and we look forward to meeting you all!! We are stoked
