I just can't believe it even when I write it, Kathleen is 16 yrs old as of 3/4. What a journey this has been for our family. She amazes me everyday with her strength, perserverance, Her laughter, and the way she touches everyone she meets. She has made me a better person. She is my hero! Tomorrow will be the 11th anniversary of her second, of 4 total strokes. From January 2002 when she was diagnosed with MM till June when she was released from th4e rehab hospital was the most traumatic time of our lives. We watched her fight through the strokes, never knowing how much of her would be lost at the end of each one. Ultimatly she lost most of what she had worked hard at gaining over her five years of life. I've never begged and prayed so hard in my life as I did the night she suffered her most severe stroke. There are several anniversary markers that I will never forget.Then it was like starting life over with a baby learning everything again. It was even sweeter watching her walk, talk, and learn again. She has never quit or stopped laughing. She's a fighter. For 3 years now she's been struggling with some health issues that we are still unraveling. Celiac disease, Crohn's, cecostomy for cronic constipation, and now we've found out she has fluid in her kidneys and a cyst on her ovary. She's a joy to be around and she's still fighting and working as hard as she can and just loving life. But 16!!!! Wow I can't believe we've come this far! Thanks MM family for being with us through this journey. Mary Grace, ~mom to a hero~