Hi all:
Firstly, I want to say a HUGE thanks to Jill, Campbell, and Tara for having us in their home at this impromptu gathering. The company, the snacks were wonderful. We would have gone out to dinner too if we weren't so exhausted (we're still on EST time).
It was quite fun to meet with everyone. As Jill said, with such a supposedly rare disease, it's nice to be in the same place with others who have the shared experience. On the way home, I told my mother that for people who have this serious, progressive disease, are we supposed to have so much fun? I kept thinking, we know how to party!!
Kevin, Lore, Shane, Michelle - we really missed you guys at the party!
Thanks much to David and his mom Tere for coming up just to see us!! We were thrilled to see them too.
It was also nice to meet Barbara and her husband Leo! You guys have an awesome website!!
And it was great to finally meet Cheryl and her 6'8" fiance Corey (sp?) after talking with her so many times on the phone. We're rooting for a successful surgery this Wed for you Cheryl!
It was also great to have Teresa there in a casual setting. We learned about her history with Dr. Steinberg, how she started with him 15 years ago and their relationship. She told us about how he is outside of work, which was nice to know because I kinda wondered about him showing up on Sat. night at 9:30pm to check on us.

As Jill mentioned, I also crossed a milestone. Jill's family has two fairly large dogs (Speedo and Abbey). I am extremely afraid of dogs but have been wanting to overcome that fear for a long time. So, with only Speedo, I managed to pet him and shake his hand (and he managed to lick me - ew, but I survived). Campbell offered to have me feed him but I said no thanks. His teeth (Speedo's not Campbell's) were a bit much for me.
Anyway, if this gathering is a precursor to Orlando, I totally can't wait!!
Thanks again Jill for a great time. Can't wait for the next one. And I can't wait to see the pictures! It was so funny that we were all so picture happy - I was seeing blue spots all night!!
Lots of hugs,