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Impromptu Stanford Gathering (Read 4820 times)
Old-Time Poster

Our daughter, Tara, lives
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Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Nov 20th, 2005 at 8:21pm
About a week ago, I realized that there were going to be several of our MM family here in the area at the same time.  You know me and how I like getting people together (always trouble!), so yesterday we had a gathering at our house.  With a disease that supposedly affects only 1 in 2,000,000 people, I am thrilled we were able to have 5 MM patients in the same place at the same time!  Some are regular posters here on the site, and some take part as readers, but here's who we had:

Barbera (from the Netherlands, and recently finished with her 2 surgeries)
Trina (tiomasai - from NY, and back for her follow-up testing)
David (from southern California, and back for the party)
Cheryl (cherylb - here from NY, to have surgery on Wednesay)
Teresa (from Stanford, came with her husband and son)

Shane just barely missed being here, but his plane left at 6:25 am yesterday, so he was blazing his way back to Virginia.  

It was a wonderful few hours spent talking, laughing, and acknowledging how awesome it is to be with people who have "been there, done that".  Speaking for myself, I loved having everyone over, and look forward to doing it all (not the surgeries - the partying!) again!  There should be some great pictures, so they'll be heading DJ's way soon.

Be sure to ask Trina about her prowess with our dogs - she has quite a bit to be proud of!

Waiting for the next gathering . . . .

Hugs to everyone in our MM family,
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« Last Edit: Nov 20th, 2005 at 8:22pm by gotchlorine »  
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Arriba Arriba!

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Queens, NY,
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Re: Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Reply #1 - Nov 21st, 2005 at 9:06am
Hi all:

Firstly, I want to say a HUGE thanks to Jill, Campbell, and Tara for having us in their home at this impromptu gathering.  The company, the snacks were wonderful.  We would have gone out to dinner too if we weren't so exhausted (we're still on EST time).  

It was quite fun to meet with everyone.  As Jill said, with such a supposedly rare disease, it's nice to be in the same place with others who have the shared experience.  On the way home, I told my mother that for people who have this serious, progressive disease, are we supposed to have so much fun?  I kept thinking, we know how to party!!  

Kevin, Lore, Shane, Michelle - we really missed you guys at the party!

Thanks much to David and his mom Tere for coming up just to see us!!  We were thrilled to see them too.  

It was also nice to meet Barbara and her husband Leo!  You guys have an awesome website!!  

And it was great to finally meet Cheryl and her 6'8" fiance Corey (sp?) after talking with her so many times on the phone.  We're rooting for a successful surgery this Wed for you Cheryl!

It was also great to have Teresa there in a casual setting.  We learned about her history with Dr. Steinberg, how she started with him 15 years ago and their relationship.  She told us about how he is outside of work, which was nice to know because I kinda wondered about him showing up on Sat. night at 9:30pm to check on us.  Smiley

As Jill mentioned, I also crossed a milestone.  Jill's family has two fairly large dogs (Speedo and Abbey).  I am extremely afraid of dogs but have been wanting to overcome that fear for a long time.  So, with only Speedo, I managed to pet him and shake his hand (and he managed to lick me - ew, but I survived).  Campbell offered to have me feed him but I said no thanks.  His teeth (Speedo's not Campbell's) were a bit much for me.  

Anyway, if this gathering is a precursor to Orlando, I totally can't wait!!  

Thanks again Jill for a great time.  Can't wait for the next one.  And I can't wait to see the pictures! It was so funny that we were all so picture happy - I was seeing blue spots all night!!  

Lots of hugs,
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« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2005 at 9:34am by tiomasai »  
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Re: Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Reply #2 - Nov 21st, 2005 at 10:19am
Hey Trina,

Congrats on getting over your fear of dogs!!  That's a big accomplishment.  Believe me....I know!  I'll tell you a secret.  I was afraid of dogs for a long time.  (ooops....I guess it's not a secret anymore).   Smiley
Anyway, it took me a long time to get over my fear of dogs.  When I was 5 years old, I was bitten in the face by a dog.  The dog was eating and I went to pet him.  The dog was startled and jumped up to bite me in the face.  After that, when I saw a dog coming, I would run and jump into my mother's arms.  When I got a little older, my dad brought a dog home and I was mortified at first, but then I got over my fear of dogs.  He brought home a pure bred collie that we named Trixie.  Years later, we were offered a dog out of the litter that Trixie had and chose a male that we later named Champ.  

Just thought I would share.  

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« Last Edit: Nov 27th, 2005 at 12:40pm by Seachelles »  

Chelles4U Chelles4U  
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My brother Kevin (Cubbie)
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Re: Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Reply #3 - Nov 21st, 2005 at 10:50am
Hi Trina,

Glad you clarified that teeth thing with Speedo not Campbell! Smiley

You would get over any fear of dogs immediately at my house. I have two dogs that would simply lick and drool all over you.  Maggie is a Newfoundland who is about 7 years old and weighs in at 135lbs. She is a sweetheart. Newfoundland's or "Newfi" for short, are known as the "gentle giants". I also have a Black Lab named Reggie. Reggie is about 12 years old, weighs about 97lbs and pretty much just exist these days. He was always in charge until he got too old and now Maggie bosses him around Smiley Reggie just simply tolerates Maggie. Actually, both dogs are quite comical and I call them my "Goofy Newfi" and my "Looney Lab". Smiley

I'm glad to hear you are having some fun in California. I wish I could have been there with you. It looks like we won't make it back to Stanford until after the first of the year. Kevin is in the middle of an insurance change.  Smiley

I saw a picture of Teresa's son while I was at Stanford. He is such a handsome little guy. What a cutie! That was nice of Teresa to join you.

I wanted to go to Nappa Valley but it was just too far given the time and Kevin's surgeries etc. We did make it to San Francisco for a day but that was prior to testing etc. At one point, I considered drinking my way up and down the Nappa Valley. Smiley Instead, I settled for Coldwater Creek and sat and listened to the waterfalls. Smiley

Let me know how that Xenon CT goes. Dr Dodd  Smiley to the rescue? Smiley

Tell your mom and brother I said Hi.

Hugs, Smiley

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Re: Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Reply #4 - Nov 21st, 2005 at 4:08pm
Trina, and Jill,

thought I would make this out to both of you.  Way to go Trina on getting to know Speedo better.  They are great dogs I spent every morning(well except when I was in the hospital) visiting with them.  I also have to say Trina I really enjoyed seeing you and your family again, I had no idea just how funny you were until Friday.  Just think someone just as funny as me lol. 

Second part of my note  Smiley

I so wanted to be at that part on Saturday.  Especially anyone getting ready to have surgeries this week if they were there.  I know Jill the time spent there with everyone was so nice, and they could not have had a better host then you guys.  Jill and I tried to convince Michelle that Frontier airlines had gone on strike and that I could not come back home Smiley
but that did not work.  So over the mountains and through the sky I came and landed in the cold of Virginia.  Well hate to do this but I have a big pot of homemade soup I am making, so much for resting huh.  lol.  To all have a great day, and lets all keep our fellow mm patients in our prayers this week who are having surgeries this week

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Arriba Arriba!

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Queens, NY,
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Re: Impromptu Stanford Gathering
Reply #5 - Nov 27th, 2005 at 10:29am
Thanks guys for the canine encouragement (although Lore, all that drooling and licking - EW)!  When Speedo licked me and I cringed, Tara told me that he likes me.  I said, well I like you and I don't lick you and she responded, YOU'RE NOT A DOG!  It was too funny.   Smiley

I'm getting there though - small steps.  The day we were leaving, someone was walking their pixie in the parking lot of the hotel and it ran towards us, and I managed to even pet it.  Better yet, I watched the 'dog whisperer' on the flight home.  It's that show where the dog trainer/psychologist comes to your house and trains your dog (kind of like super nanny for dogs).  I saw 6 episodes of it on the plane!!  (It didn't hurt that Cesar, the host, was pretty cute).   Smiley

Missing you all!

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