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MoyaMoya Surgery Cost? (Read 15545 times)
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MoyaMoya Surgery Cost?
Oct 21st, 2012 at 1:28pm
HI all,
I'm new to this board as well as new to being diagnosed with Moyamoya over the past 4-5 weeks.

I was told to get surgery.  Going in for my second opinion at UCLA Med. Center next week.

Anyhow, i was searching the internet for what the cost of a Moyamoya surgery cost would be but could not find anything so i am coming here for some insight.

I am sure there is a range since some may be cheaper or more expensive depending on the doctor and hospital you get the surgery at...but regardless can you all share what those costs were for you?

I am having surgery on only my left side.  Doc said i wont have to do right side.

Im trying to get a ballpark figure on what i need to start putting away for this surgery.  (i do have insurance...but they may not cover it all  Embarrassed )

I live in the U.S.
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« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2012 at 1:30pm by Maxwell »  
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Jane oznva
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Re: MoyaMoya Surgery Cost?
Reply #1 - May 7th, 2013 at 2:50pm
Hi Maxwell,
I'm in the process of  getting Estimates for surgery costs as well, as we are foreigners living in USA for 2-3 years.
I can give you what Stanford told me and I've just sent off for Boston's costings.
Stanford: Dr. consultation $830; Nova MRI approx $15 389; Cerebral Angiogram $80 000-$105 000 this includes 23 hr hosital stay; Unilateral Bypass Graft Surgery includes hospital and professional fees and 2 night stay $274 261. This does not cover additional testing, services and follow up care and it is stressed that it is an estimate only.

I hope this helps.   Shocked
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Re: MoyaMoya Surgery Cost?
Reply #2 - May 13th, 2013 at 12:23am
Jane, your figures are very very high for the MRI and the Cerebal Angigram. I just had both done in Boston at Brigham and Womens and it was just a fraction of that cost. The hospital stay is also not a 23 hour day. I was in at 6:30 a.m. (had a delay of the procedure due to an emergency the doctor had come in of 4 hours hours. Angiogram ended up lasting almost 2 1/2 hours (usually only takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours). and was held for 4 hours after. Finally left the hospital around 7:30 that night, so only ended up being 13 hours when it should really only have been 8 hours.

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Jane oznva
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Re: MoyaMoya Surgery Cost?
Reply #3 - May 14th, 2013 at 11:26am
Hi Kathy,
The figures are what Stanford gave us in an Estimate Costing they did up, but I was concerned that they may have been "international fees"  but they reassured me that they it was the same for domestic clients.  So that is why I have gone to Boston for a second Estimate, as I wanted to compare.  Boy, I am hoping Boston is much cheaper, then we might get to stay here for surgery rather than be flown home to Australia. Thank you for your response.  Stanford did email me back saying they are expensive due to "size of their unit, research facilities and location"! ?!?
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I Love MM.com!

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Re: MoyaMoya Surgery Cost?
Reply #4 - May 15th, 2013 at 12:45am
Hi Jane,

I actually live in Massachusetts, 2 hours west of Boston. I did try to get my insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) to approve me to go to California and they turned me down. My neurologist said it didn't surprise him as they cost so much out there. My first surgery was done in Boston back in 2009 and I have once again become a patient with my surgeons replacement (he left at the end of 2009) who also had assisted him during my first surgery. I see a Dr. Rose Du at Brigham and Women's. In the 3 years since have past she has matured in her field so much and I actually feel confident with her now. I just got my insurance statement back from Medicare (I'm on total disability) and the MRI that was done at Brighams only cost $2500.00. Does not include doctors fees.

Good luck.
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