I also forgot to mention...although I'm not a patient of his, Dr. Michael Scott in Boston "specializes in the pediatric treatment of Moyamoya," so he would be someone to consider seeking an opinion from too.
You can find more info on the "Surgeons with Bypass Experience" thread. This is what DJ posted under Dr.Michael Scott:
Quote:Dr. Scott is the premier Moyamoya specialist on the east coast. Located at Boston Children's Hospital, he specializes in the pediatric treatment of Moyamoya and the EDAS surgery. Dr. Scott does, however, also treat adults.
Here is his info:
Many here are a testimony of Dr. Steinberg and his God given talents. In fact, Claire recently had her surgery from Dr. Steinberg, and if I'm not mistaken, she's around 10 years old too! ;

Of course, we're all partial to our own neurosurgeon who individually gave us a new lease on life, so I also would like to offer you my neurosurgeon, Dr. Takanori Fukushima in North Carolina. ;

As I mentioned earlier, go through the Surgeons...thread for more info on other great neurosurgeons, but just remember to ask them how many cases of MM patients they have successfully seen. As you know, this disease is rare, but we are slowly getting out there.

The main thing, Worrydad, is that you seek the advice of a MM expert, and that you do not "sit and wait". Please, please, please seek additional opinions asap. Oh, and one last thing..don't forget, we're here for you!

Take care,