Hi Anna & Andy,

Welcome to our MM family!
I’m sorry to hear you have MM, but glad you found us. This is an informative and dedicated website, with a wonderful group of people who have been down that same rough road you have, one way or the other. So feel free to post and ask any questions you may have and get to know us. I think you’ll find it comforting and you’ll meet some good people and learn in the process.
Anna, I live pretty close to you, right outside the Philly. I personally do not have MM, my niece does, but I would be happy to talk to you anytime, as would anyone else here who thought they might be of some help to you.
Andy, I hope and pray that your stroke wasn’t that debilitating, and that you’re learning all you can about this rare disease, so it will help you make good informative decisions that’s best for your particular case. That’s so important. MM is a progressive disease and needs the attention from
moyamoya experienced doctors who have had MMD background and know the risks involved and the best path to take to manage this rare disease.
Again, feel free to ask any questions. No question is too small. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.