After being diagnosed with moyamoya and feeling all alone here in Hawaii, I decided that I wanted to one day form a support group for others like me with this "rare" disease. My goal is to raise awareness of this disease, (especially because I was misdiagnosed, and it wasn't until my THIRD opinion that I was properly diagnosed and received the necessary emergency surgery) and what better way to do this than via the media.
Therefore, I contacted numerous television, radio and newspapers in my state and was fortunate that 2 television stations took interest in my story (NBC and FOX). After my story aired, I received numerous emails and calls from other local (and non-local) viewers either diagnosed with MM or who think they may have MM due to the symptoms. Thus, my quest to organize a local support group got under way...
I have a dear high school friend Eunice who was also diagnosed with MM shortly after high school and has had successful surgeries on both sides. She too has joined me in my dream to organize a local support group. Since her surgery, she has gotten married, and they now have a healthy 5 year old son.
Therefore, my invitation to all those who are interested in joining the
Hawaii Moyamoya Ohana
are welcome! ;

We are planning our first gathering the 2nd weekend in November in Aiea. I know many of you are located on the outer-islands, and even on the mainland, so I will continue to forward you emails on any updates. Please know that this ohana is just that...for "ohana" or "family". Family members of MM patients are also warmly welcomed.

If you are interested in finding out more information, please email me at
Until then...Aloha no...
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana,

Here is the link to the interivew on FOX. I can't seem to find the interview by NBC.