Hey guys,
Well, the west coast contingent made it home! It's late . . . we're exhausted . . . but boy, what memories we've carried home with us! Poor Campbell is probably already tired of hearing us relay stories about our short time in Princeton. What an awesome time we had!
Greg, thanks so much for playing tour guide! Anyone who knows me has quickly learned that I get turned around after making one turn. Someone to direct is crucial when I'm in unfamiliar territory!!! It was wonderful meeting you and Olga - as others have said, you seem like a terrific couple. Your attitude is great, and I know you'll do very well through surgery.
Michelle, thanks a million for picking us up at the airport, getting us to Princeton, then returning us to the airport. You really CAN keep a secret! We definitely missed Shane's presence, but as always, it was wonderful hanging out with you.
Mar and Fran, I can't tell you how special it was that you came over for the day. Thank you just doesn't do justice for what you added to our little group. My jaw hurts from all the laughing, and the snowball fight was unbelievably fun. I can't wait to see you both again!
Shari, it was very good to see you! It was fun sharing all the laughs, and I can't wait to do it again in Orlando (or sometime between now and then if we can come up with another idea!)
Tom, great to finally get to meet you. Thanks for suggesting the get-together and for everything you did to make it happen.
Trina, I hope you can forgive me for my "secret". Never in a million years did I think there was a chance of you arriving in Princeton earlier! This was a short visit, and if I thought we would have had more time, I would've done things differently. Spending time with you and your mom was wonderful - it's never long enough! Maybe one day we'll live closer together !?!
When we were saying our goodbyes to everyone this morning, I felt like I was Dorothy (in the Wizard of Oz) saying farewell to her dear friends the scarecrow, the tinman and the lion. We won't go into who's who (it's not important), but it was VERY difficult to leave you all. I love you guys dearly, and though it will be nice to be home, big pieces of my heart are with you.
O.K., before this gets any sappier, I'm going to sign off for the night. Thanks again for a great weekend . . . Trina, I hope the mouse is gone . . . if not, I might ask Dr. D to pay you a visit to help out (hmmmm, maybe that's not a bad idea!).
Hugs from out west, and I'll talk to y'all soon!

, Jill