Aloha DJ,
Appreciate you posting your "code of ethics" above. I believe it gives the group a better understanding of why you make the decisions you do regarding this site.
I am sure there are many more like Kylie whose lives have been affected and saved because they found this site. I remember when I found this site; it was a feeling of excitement--like "EUREKA!"--as if I discovered electricity or something! ;

I wasn't pleased to see that there were others like me, but I felt comforted to know that there are others that have and were experiencing what I was. I guess you could say I wasn't as scared knowing I wasn’t going this alone…
I agree that we should try our best to provide
Quote:"credible, validated, factual information"
as best and as much as possible (even though there may be limited amount of "formal" info out there on MM). That being said, my personal opinion is that if we are not quoting a medical paper, or factual medical documentation, then everything else we post here is merely our own opinion, info we received from our doctors or through our own research, personal testimony or experience (whether our own or of a loved one).
Therefore, even if you or I believed that there are only 2 MM experts in the U.S. that would merely be our opinion. We can express our feelings on this site, others can comment on it, but at the end of the day, it is truly our own opinion (unless we can back it up with proven medical facts).
As the administrator, please know that I respect all you have done for us. I am just concerned that if one of your members happens to have a view that differs from yours (or some of the other members), do you consider yourself doing “injustice" by allowing them to express their views/opinions? Will you not allow the member to post a thread which includes an opinion that doesn't agree with your beliefs regarding MM?
Quote:"I believe that 99.9% of the population is capable of making an informed decision on how they want to proceed with MMD given the current information on, and linked to, from without demanding to know what percentage of people had a hangnail on their right index finger prior to surgery prior to making a decision. It’s ridiculous."
As you mentioned above, you believe that “99.9% of the population is capable of making an informed decision on how they want to proceed with MMD given the current information on, and linked to, from”....
Therefore, I say have an "open" forum/dialogue where members won't be afraid of the repercussions of posting a thread regarding their concerns/inquiries that you and/or some of the other members may not agree with.
I believe in order to provide a "well-rounded" discussion and support forum, aside from foul language and non-MM topics, members should feel comfortable in posting any question/thread on this site. Whether we agree with the author or not, we have the choice to respond or not respond. A new member can read through the thread, read through the replies and make an "informed decision" from there...
What's so great about support groups is that others are able to share their experiences and stories and offer words of encouragement, warnings, hope, etc.
I understand that communicating via text/email messaging such as this can be taken out of context--so please know that I am merely expressing my opinion and wish the best for everyone. One thing that this so-called “rare” disease has brought me is…humility…and how thankful we are for each and every day.

Take care,