Good question Diane, since that test isn't mentioned above. Joni asked about a couple of tests in another thread and I did some looking. Here was what I posted:
To answer your question, NO, the CO
2 challenge reactivity test and auto regulation test
are not the same as a SPECT. I don't know much about either of the tests, but I did some looking around and here's what I came up with:
CO2 challenge reactivity test - measures the response in the cerebral circulation supplied by the middle cerebral arteries. I'm no expert, but it sounds like it's in the same "family" of tests as a SPECT. Basically, it shows the blood's ability to carry oxygen to the brain as a numerical value, whereas with the SPECT, oxygen content to the brain is measured visually, with color pictures (see my Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!! You need to


). Here's a link that explains the CO
2 test better:
Auto regulation test - information on this one was a little harder to find, but it sounds like it's a test that measures the brain's ability to regulate the cerebral blood
flow and cerebral blood
pressure done in conjunction with the trans cranial doppler (TCD). This statement would make me question whether it would be of much use in diagnosing Moyamoya
"Although information is available about autoregulation in severely head injured patients, there is little or no information about autoregulation in patients with minor or moderate head injury." Here is a link from the UW site about it:
Both of these tests may provide some good information but it seems like
they would both be covered better by the SPECT.
As for the cerebral angiogram, it is
THE diagnostic test for diagnosing Moyamoya. It's the only way to
actually see the "Moyamoya vessels" in the brain. If it were my mother, I would absolutely, positively make sure they did an angiogram! Just my

Remember, take this info for what it's worth. I have no medical training.... just experience going through it as a patient myself.