
Welcome to our MM family!
I’d like to respond to franknmag’s and Suni’s posts. First off, to answer frank&mag’s question,
“Does any of this ring true in connection with possible MM?”
Most definitely, without a doubt! Also, the tests you’ve described that’s been done so far will not actually show MMD. The definitive test is the “angiogram”. A MM experienced doctor may recognize the possibility of a MM diagnosis on an MRI, but they would then order the Angio to confirm it. The MRI shows if there were any strokes. Your brother's daughter’s symptoms are identical to MM or TIA’s, which is common with MM. I don’t know her specifics, but her symptoms may be warnings of the lack of proper blood flow to her brain and warnings of a possible stroke. I agree with Terry 100%!! I can’t emphasize enough the importance of getting an experienced MM neurosurgeon.
As you know, MM is a progressive disease, it gets worse over time. With MM, a patient is ALWAYS at risk for a stroke or hemorrhage, so prompt treatment is always very important! Delay in treatment is the particular pitfall we see every day because of the lack of experience and understanding of this disease in the medical community, and delay in treatment is dangerous and risky. With MMD, you know a stroke is coming, you just don’t know when it will happen. We see all too often many doctors who lack MM experience, tell their patients they can wait for treatment or they tell them not to have surgery at this time or that the surgery is too risky, but what many new patients do NOT know is, although you may like your neurologist/neurosurgeon, and they may be very good, but we have seen in many cases that they are NOT educated enough about MM “the disease itself”, which makes the "risk" more about their LACK of MM knowledge, rather than actual risk to the patient, and what’s important to know is,
surgical management is the ONLY successful treatment for MMD, so dealing with a rare disease, experience is everything for success, IMO.
And Suni, you’re absolutely correct in your research and concerns thus far. When a doctor delays MM treatment and tells you it’s up to you to decide your options, that’s exactly what I mean when I say many doctors do NOT have enough MM experience. Why, when your symptoms are that of a stroke, would any MM experienced doctor say you could wait?? Wait for what, to have a stroke?? This disease is progressive, so I just don’t get it!! You’re very wise in your concern about this. My advice is always to do the research. The facts are there. If you arm yourself with knowledge, they can’t steer you in the wrong direction.
You also have the option of sending a copy of your films to a MM specialist to view for a second opinion. They’ll read your films and give you their expert opinion. Unfortunately, there are only a few MM specialists out there that deal with this disease on a daily basis. Like Terry said, Dr. Scott in Boston, is one, and Dr. Steinberg in California, is the other, but MM specialists are out there and could guide you in the right direction.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.